While the name AV security suite may sound like it would be something good for your computer, this software is just the opposite. It uses fear and relies on you not having much knowledge of how these things work in order to frighten you enough that you are willing to purchase this so fake anti-virus program.
AV Security Suite generally gets on your computer in several different ways including through hacked sites you visit, via spam emails and gets installed without your knowledge or permission. From there it will automatically change files on your computer so that it will have permission to run automatically every time your computer boots up and will run silently in the background.
It can start using it's scare tactics by popping up on your screen at unexpected times displaying messages that your computer is currently infected by viruses, malware or spyware. Sometimes it will even tell you that your computer is under attack by an external source. Other times it will display a screen saying that your computer has been scanned and it is currently having certain problems. All of this is done to make it look as if you need to purchase their program in order to resolve these security issues with your PC and you need to get rid of AV security suite from your computer.
What you need to realize is that even legitimate sites can become a host for the AV Security Suite. This usually happens when a site is hacked and the virus is put into place on the page somewhere. This is also how people can become infected multiple times over the course of a few days because of going to the same site over and over again to read new things. This is especially true for computers that have not been kept up to date with anti-malware protection.
In order to make this ruse even more believable that your computer is infected, AV security suite will prevent random programs from working as they should. It will also automatically connect your computer to an external site. This will allow it to display fake security messages as you surf the web giving you fake warnings about how these pages are reported as being unsafe.
If you want to get rid of AV security suite it can be quite a hassle if done manually.
#1 First, you will need to go into your computer Internet Explorer options and go to Connections --> LAN Settings --> and uncheck the box saying "Use a proxy server for your LAN". Once that is done you can move on to file removal.
#2 File removal is going to be quite a task. Usually every program has a list of names and files associated to it that you can remove. Because of the random way the virus installs the files it is almost impossible to find them. The registry entries on the other hand are slightly easier to locate and get rid of. They include anything with avsuite or AV security suite in the name and you will have to search for them in the registry and delete them.
Once all of that has been removed you should no longer have any problems. But if you still have problems or there is further malware on your computer you can download and run PC health check software that will help you get rid of AV security suite fast. It will scan your computer and delete any malicious software for you and make your PC run fast and get rid of any malware in minutes.
source: ezinearticles